Jon Stewart: Meanwhile the Senator from Arizona spent most of his time wandering the outer reaches of the stage. Looking for a GPS, egh, what, What are you doing McCain?
Luckily I believe we have the audio feed isolated from McCain's microphone during his sojourn. Would you like to listen?
***Crowd Cheers in Approval***
Jon Stewart: Can we, can we roll that?
Barack Obama: And, your, co-payments...
John McCain: What's goin on over here? How you folks doin? Has anybody seen my dog? Has anyone seen my little Mr. Puddles? Just a little guy, fits right in your hand. No? Mr. Puuuuddlllles, Mr. Puddles I have Snausages!
***Laughter and Cheering***
Jon Stewart: Aw that Mr. Puddles. Sometimes you think he's more trouble than he's worth.