Thursday, October 9, 2008

Daily Show Brilliantly Skewers McCain's Debate Wandering

We've all heard the crazy old man jokes, I call them the "get off my lawn you damn kids!" jokes. Well the Daily Show joined in on the fun last night too. Brilliantly skewering McCain's wandering all around the set during the town hall debate.


Jon Stewart: Meanwhile the Senator from Arizona spent most of his time wandering the outer reaches of the stage. Looking for a GPS, egh, what, What are you doing McCain?

Luckily I believe we have the audio feed isolated from McCain's microphone during his sojourn. Would you like to listen?

***Crowd Cheers in Approval***

Jon Stewart: Can we, can we roll that?

Barack Obama: And, your, co-payments...

John McCain: What's goin on over here? How you folks doin? Has anybody seen my dog? Has anyone seen my little Mr. Puddles? Just a little guy, fits right in your hand. No? Mr. Puuuuddlllles, Mr. Puddles I have Snausages!

***Laughter and Cheering***

Jon Stewart: Aw that Mr. Puddles. Sometimes you think he's more trouble than he's worth.

You Ought To Be in Pictures...

A More Accurate Campaign Sign

Taking Aim at Biden?

At Least Voters Seem to Have an Exit Strategy

Voters Showin Some Love for the Hockey Mom

A Beautiful Sight

From's What would campaign ads look like if kids could vote.

Hardball gets Rick Rolled

Nice to See us Within Striking Distance

The new Nanos poll out today keeps the Liberals at 4 points down, which is a statistical tie. Right now, and I'm not jumping the gun here, but right now it looks at least likely we'll be able to hold Stephen Harper to a minority, and possibly if we can keep this momentum going we could challenge for government and get rid of him once and for all.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Welcome to Liberalcratic, a blog by a supporter of both the Democratic Party in the United States and the Liberal Party here in Canada. With an election in both countries coming soon I felt this would be the best time to start a political blog that hopes to merge US and Canadian politics.

In the U.S. I supported John Edwards in the primaries, however I was never against Barack Obama. I was against Hillary Clinton but she did a lot to earn my trust at the Democratic National Convention. I'm very proud to have Obama as the Democratic nominee, and I hope that he can pull away from and ultimately beat McCain in November. While I'll take 270-268 win for Obama I'm not sure if my heart will, so I'd like to see him start to pull out to a nice lead. I think to do this he and the party need to start attacking John McCain. Not in the sleazy way Republicans attack us, but just by telling the truth about what a McCain administration would mean. Exposing him for what he really is. Republicans use sleaze in their attacks, we should use our brains. Especially after McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. Conservative hypocracy used to surprise me but it doesn't any more, I've seen it far too often. Months of the Republicans hitting Obama for supposedly being too inexperienced to be Commander in Chief and then McCain picks a novice to be his VP Nominee for a 72 year old Candidate who's had cancer 4 times.

As for Canada we've got Stephen Harper up here telling us we need an election, no doubt because he doesn't want to have to campaign with ethics clouds hanging over his head because of Mulroneygate and the In and Out scandal, one of his cabinet ministers sharing sensitive info with his girlfriend, etc. He promised fixed election dates and then when it suits him he breaks this promise. Not that that surprised me, he's the same guy who whined when Belinda Stronach crossed the floor and that the Senate was illegitimate only to on his first day in office bring David Emerson from the Liberals in to his cabinet and appoint a Senator to be a Minister. I wish I could say people would give a shit about his broken promises, but they won't. Unfortunatly in this country people are starting to get like a lot of the red states, they only give a shit about themselves. "Oh, well I'M not gay, so why should I care about gay rights?" Um, are you a human being?

Anyway, my realistic hope for these two elections is an Obama victory, coupled with 56 or so seats in the Senate and an increase of 8 or 9 seats in the House, and in Canada a Liberal Minority.

My optimistic hope would be a huge Electoral College and Popular vote victory for Obama, a filibuster proof Senate of 60 Democrats or more, and a massive surge in the House. And for Canada a stable Liberal Majority.

Quite honestly though I'd even settle for another Conservative Minority as long as Obama wins, even as a Canadian I understand just how important the U.S. Presidency is to us here.