Thursday, October 9, 2008

Daily Show Brilliantly Skewers McCain's Debate Wandering

We've all heard the crazy old man jokes, I call them the "get off my lawn you damn kids!" jokes. Well the Daily Show joined in on the fun last night too. Brilliantly skewering McCain's wandering all around the set during the town hall debate.


Jon Stewart: Meanwhile the Senator from Arizona spent most of his time wandering the outer reaches of the stage. Looking for a GPS, egh, what, What are you doing McCain?

Luckily I believe we have the audio feed isolated from McCain's microphone during his sojourn. Would you like to listen?

***Crowd Cheers in Approval***

Jon Stewart: Can we, can we roll that?

Barack Obama: And, your, co-payments...

John McCain: What's goin on over here? How you folks doin? Has anybody seen my dog? Has anyone seen my little Mr. Puddles? Just a little guy, fits right in your hand. No? Mr. Puuuuddlllles, Mr. Puddles I have Snausages!

***Laughter and Cheering***

Jon Stewart: Aw that Mr. Puddles. Sometimes you think he's more trouble than he's worth.

You Ought To Be in Pictures...

A More Accurate Campaign Sign

Taking Aim at Biden?

At Least Voters Seem to Have an Exit Strategy

Voters Showin Some Love for the Hockey Mom

A Beautiful Sight

From's What would campaign ads look like if kids could vote.

Hardball gets Rick Rolled

Nice to See us Within Striking Distance

The new Nanos poll out today keeps the Liberals at 4 points down, which is a statistical tie. Right now, and I'm not jumping the gun here, but right now it looks at least likely we'll be able to hold Stephen Harper to a minority, and possibly if we can keep this momentum going we could challenge for government and get rid of him once and for all.